Move over fancy DAPs! We are ready to kick out the jams now 😉 The new condition 8GB Sandisk Clip Sport is on sale, new condition, in many pastel-y colors, for $25 by Amazon actual. Limit up to three per color per customer.
If you are feeling more sporty, the 8GB Clip Sport is on sale for $30 with free shipping for all with the same limit of three per color per customer.
Also on sale is the Clip Sport Plus for $52 in new condition. All these sold by Amazon actual.
I am not familiar with the newer line-up of the Clips, but I have the older (classic) Clip and Clip Plus. They are all still working, and of all the clips of my three Clip+ models broke off cleanly (maybe because I never used the clips and they atrophied?) making them even smaller DAPs 🙂
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