Archives for March 19, 2017

Westone Bluetooth Cable AND Shure SE-215 for $200

If you want both the Westone Bluetooth Cable (powered Bluetooth 4.0 cable, goes for $150 on its own) AND the Shure SE-215 in-ears (go for $100 on their own), you can get them bundled together for $200 with free expedited shipping at B&H Photo in two of the SE-215 color bundles, the Clear color scheme or the Black color scheme.

Speaking of Westone, their UM3X 3-Way Universal Fit In-Ears continue to be on sale for $250 with free shipping.

Sony NWE395 16GB Walkman MP3 Player for $78

The new condition Sony NWE395 mp3-player, part of their good old “Mouse Ears design”, with 16GB of on-board storage, is on sale for $78 with free shipping in the red or black color scheme at Amazon by Amazon actual. Limit up to three per color per customer. These do not have a microSD slot, so if you need more than 16GB of music, this is not it. They don’t have “smartphone features” either.

HeadAmp Pico Slim for $208, DAC/amp for $258 [MD]

Massdrop kinda needs to improve the way they show multiple different products on the same listing as it can get confusing, and confusing typically means fewer sales 🙂 Anyway, in a new offer, running for the next seven days or so (from blog-posting date), two Headamp products are offered and they are currently unlocked. The Pico Slim headphone-amp goes for $200, while the combo DAC/amp goes for $250. Shipping is $8 flat. They are expected to ship around Tax Day 2017.

PS: due to time constraints, there isn’t a new This Week in Headphoolia round-up this week. It will be back next Sunday covering the last two weeks.

[DEAD] Monday: Monoprice M560 Planar Headphones AND Stereo Tube Headphone Amp (PID 16154) for $188 After Coupon AND $50+ filler items

This semi-recurring coupon expired…

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[DEAD] Monday: HyperX Cloud Pro Gaming Headset for $64 [limit 2]

This daily deal expired…

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[DEAD] Monday: Sennheiser HD 558 Open Over-Ears for $70

The daily deal at $70 ended, it is back at its “new normal” price of $80…

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[DEAD] Monday: refurbished Bohm ANC Bluetooth Over-Ears for $50

This daily deal ended but it is a recurring offer…

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[DEAD] Sunday: Monoprice XXX Triple Driver IEMs for $42.50 w/free S&H

This recurring coupon expired… Yet another Sunday-only promotion, coupon 15SPRING gets you 15% off your order at Monoprice, which makes the XXX Triple Driver In-Ears drop from $50 to $42.50. At the moment they have a free standard USA shipping promotion as well.