Used V-Moda Crossfade Bluetooth Over-Ears for $195.50+

The V-Moda Crossfade Wireless (Bluetooth based on the M100 model) is also participating in the 15% off Amazon Warehouse Deals in-cart discount, and with the discount factored in, the lowest price is $195.50 in “Used – Very Good” condition for the Phantom-Chrome color scheme by Amazon Warehouse Deals. The other two colors are slightly more. The previous link shows the lowest price per color, and only the Prime-eligible models. If you want to see detailed listings per color, click on the “See all offers for this product”. For example, these are the detailed listings for the Phantom Chrome color scheme.

PS: remember, for these 15% off in-cart offers, only products sold by Amazon Warehouse Deals actual are eligible. Products sold by other marketplace sellers are not eligible (even if they are fulfilled by Amazon aka Prime eligible). They also have a little reminder for eligible items in the detailed listings; screenshot below:
