Sennheiser HD6XX orders accepted again [July shipment]

IF you want to get a hold of the Sennheiser HD6XX but don’t mind waiting for it for a few months, Massdrop is accepting orders again for a mid-July 2018 shipping. The price is as before, $200 with free shipping [their attempt to raise the price to $250 a few weeks ago failed miserably].

This headphone has been out long enough that much and more has been written about it and in comparison to the HD600 and HD650. So much so that you may have to pierce the veil of nonsense to get to the bottom of things 😉

PS: meanwhile the drop for the sister-wife HD 58X Jubilee model is currently inactive.

PS2: for on-going headphones at Massdrop that you can buy like a “normal” internet purchase, check our Massdrop Tracker. These include the Fostex TH-X00 variations, AKG K7XX variants, an Objective 2 and more.