Open-Box FOCAL Utopia for $2300 with coupon

The new condition FOCAL Utopia goes for $4000, but if you are comfortable with open-box headphones, coupon code OCTOBER17 drops it to $2300 in open-box condition at Adorama for a limited time.

This sets up a 3-way decision now as you have the new FOCAL CLEAR that just came out at RMAF 2017 for $1500, and the open-box ELEAR going for $550.

So you have $550 VS $1500 vs $2300, replacing the previous $1000 vs $4000. Definitely closer-to-Earth pricing, especially for the ELEAR.

PS: if you are not sure how to test the coupon code, follow the steps in our open-box ELEAR post. I dont’ want to repeat them everywhere 🙂