The new condition Vivian Acrylic Headphone Stand is currently available in either the black or the clear color scheme for $9, sold by a marketplace seller with the order fulfilled by Amazon. This is not a lightning deal.
I bought the clear color scheme to make blog-pictures of headphones more useful (you can see more of the headphone body), and I just posted our customary Text and Pictures Unboxing. A review is coming in a couple of weeks or so.
We have eight pictures in the unboxing! The one below shows the over-ear Philips SHP-9500S mounted on it, the picture taken from above. The SHP9500S headband is 1.5 inches wide. There’s plenty of room left [measurements and such will be in the upcoming review!]:
PS: speaking of unboxings, I should have an unboxing of the Tennmak PRO in-ears late tomorrow, assuming it arrives as scheduled.
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