Wooden Omega Headphone Stand for $24

The new condition Wooden Omega Headphone Stand is currently available for $24 by a handful of marketplace sellers with the order fulfilled by Amazon, so they are Prime eligible. The three listings you see for $17 with free shipping ship directly from mainland China and they are fairly new sellers, so that’s a higher risk. You can tell this by looking at the detailed listings. For most China sellers it says so in the detailed listing but not for all of them. For those not mentioning it, the shipping estimate is a dead giveaway, if it’s over a month, it means very show shipping from China.

To cut a long story short, fulfilled by Amazon saves you a lot of potential headaches. Shipment happens from Amazon’s warehouses, and if there’s a problem, you deal with Amazon’s customer service, not the marketplace sellers.

The stand averages 4.3 out of 5 based on 163 customer reviews and has a pretty solid “review intensity ratio”, around 15:1 (the percentage of 5-star reviews vs 1-star reviews).

A tall annotated screenshot with the shipment details marked is after the jump if you are not familiar with the detailed Amazon product listings. NOTE: it may be presented differently depending on what browser you use, what device/OS, size of your viewport (size of browsing window), and whether Amazon’s computers are doing any experiments with how they display listings…

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