Massdrop: CustomArt 330v2, Syun Mix-1, Noontec

A new trio of offers has gone up at Massdrop (members only, free to join). As of the time of writing, none of the three is fully unlocked. The lowest possible prices are:

+ CustomArt Pro 330v2 as low as $610
+ SYUN MIX-1 in-ears as low as $24
+ Noontec Zoro HD on-ears as low as $68

Noontec Zoro HD On-Ears for $45 (non-HD for $40)

Just completed a look at the headphone offerings at Groupon, so here is what stood out to me, starting with the Noontec Zoro On-Ears (closed-back; Beats Solo competitors) going for $45 in the HD version and $40 in the non-HD version. The default is the non-HD version. Select the HD version manually under Options (right side of the page, under the giant green BUY! button). Free shipping, free returns, multiple colors.