Mystery Bag headphone/earphone for $85 with coupon

If you like the thrill and danger and potential excitement or disappointment of a mystery bag headphone purchase, Sonix Elextronix is offering a list-priced $150 headphone as a mystery bag offer for $85 with free shipping when you enter coupon code MB111 over there.


These are the clues they offer:


Searching their website for “brass & carbon fiber headphones” produces only two search results. The mystery listing and one other model with a $150 list price, the *** SPOILER ALERT *** if you don’t want me to ruin the surprise, NuForce NE800M in-ears.

I have no clue what the “Hide & Seek” means, whether it’s a clue for this or a regular website feature. When you click on it, it shows a variety of in-ears, starting with a different ($200 list price) NuForce earphone.

NOTE that this is based only on my detective work, and if I was a good detective I would have had my own procedural on network TV, so do not buy it based on what I say 🙂