If you are looking for USB-C earphones, the Monoy LeEco USB-C earphone is currently on sale for $13.88 by Monoy with the order fulfilled by Amazon. These average 3.8 out of 5 based on 31 customer reviews.
This sale ended: The sale mayhaps coincides with the LeEco LePRO 3 being an Amazon deal of the day for $214 until 3am ET on Sunday. This is a new condition, unlocked, with USA warranty model.
PS: note that there are different implementations of audio in smartphones without 3.5mm headphone jack. Some output digital-only (eg iPhones, HTC U11) so you need a DAC/amp, others can output analog audio over USB-C (eg Moto Z).
PS2: note also that smartphones with a USB-C port AND a 3.5mm headphone jack may NOT have implemented analog audio over USB-C. Check forums and specs and such. Do not assume anything about USB-C and Audio until you try it or you read reliable info!
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