Sony MDR XB950 BT Extra Bass for $128 [or $100 certified refurbished]

If you like the Double Bs (Bass and Bluetooth), the new condition Sony XB950/BT Extra Bass is on sale, in new condition, for $128 with free shipping by “Video and Audio Center” (aka VAC in SoCal) through The red color scheme is fulfilled by Amazon so it gets Prime shipping, while the black and blue colors ship directly from VAC, so no Prime shipping. The headphones average 4.3 out of 5 based on nearly 1100 customer reviews, and have 650+ questions answered, both indicators of consumer interest in “bass” and “bluetooth” 🙂

On the other hand, if you are comfortable with certified refurbished, the red goes for $100, and the other two colors for $110 by Secondipity thru Amazon. They ship from Secondipity, so they are not Prime eligible. The refurbished too are popular, they average 4.3 out of 5 based on 350+ customer reviews (interesting how they have the same average, wisdom of the masses in effect?) and have 90 questions peer-answered.