Refurbished Sennheiser Amperior OnEars (Blue) for $90

If you are fond of blue headphones and the portable Sennheiser Amperiors, you can get them in that color scheme in refurbished condition for $90 with free shipping (ships from Kentucky – Calipari not included!) by Sonic Electronix via Amazon and directly from Sonic Electronix.

NOTE #1: their blue bundle with the free Slappa SL-HP-07 case is out of stock (but orderable) because they ran out of Slappa bags.

NOTE #2: if you prefer the silver color instead, it is offered in refurbished condition for $100 by Sonic Electronix and by Sonic via NewEgg and Sonic via Amazon… Sonic also has the bundle with the Slappa but it too is out of stock, just like the blue…