Heart-shaped like Melisandre’s face, with a Rulore approved dose of red, the closed-back over-ear Phiaton Bridge MS 500 headphones are now going for $70 with free shipping at Amazon.com. The seller of record is not Amazon but “Discover Savings” (that’s the seller’s name). The order is fulfilled by Amazon, so get Prime shipping and you deal with customer support instead of the seller for most issues. They come with a carrying case, two OFC cables (one has mic/remote), and a 1/4″ adapter. As the two cables suggest, these are of the detachable-cable kind. They average 4 out of 5 based on 9 evenly-distributed reviews.
NOTE: even though they are over-ear, their heart-shaped design is a bit unusual, so be sure to check reviews or look at close-ups if you have fitting issues with smaller or unusually-shaped over-ear headphones.
The same seller on Amazon is offering the MS 430 Carbon Fiber (on-ears) for $40 with free shipping (Prime eligible as well).
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