Panasonic RP-BTD10 On-Ear Bluetooths for $47 w/free S&H

You can now even get bluetooth with NFC headphones from big name electronics manufacturers for under $50. Case in point, the Panasonic RP-BTD10 On-Ear Bluetooths (with NFC) go for $47 with free shipping for a limited time at NewEgg Flash. Offer ends around 6/29/16.

PS: NewEgg Flash is sort their attempt to make a competing “flash sales” type of a website like Groupon.

Used AKG K240 MK II for $67

If you are not a perfectionist, the AKG K240 MK II are available in “Used – Acceptable” condition for $66.50 by Amazon Warehouse Deals. The description lists multiple cosmetic imperfections and damaged original packaging. The headphones themselves average 4.5 out of 5 based on 220+ customer reviews over there.

Used (Display Model) Shure SRH440 for $79

The closed-back over-ear Shure SRH440 that stubbornly goes for $100 in new condition at authorized dealers is available in “Used – Like New” condition, with the detailed description stating “Mint Condition, Display Model” for $79 with free shipping by Musical Supply Direct (MSD, 97%) through Amazon Warehouse Deals. This ships directly from MSD, so it is not Prim eligible.

Used Beyerdynamic T51i On-Ears for $173

The closed-back on-ear portable Beyerdynamic T51i headphones are currently available in “Used – Very Good” condition described to have minor cosmetic imperfections and damaged original packaging for $173~ with free shipping by Amazon Warehouse Deals actual.

Always check who the available sellers are, don’t just look at the price over there. AWD actual is part of Amazon, so you get Amazon Customer Service, fulfillment by Amazon (Amazon’s shipping service and returns, so Prime eligible), and their 30-day return window. Amazon does not make any claims of warranty offered with the product. A number of authorized dealers selling open-box items through AWD though state in the individual listings that their open-box items get warranty. So YMMV if want to claim warranty service from an AWD actual purchase.

Klipsch Reference On-Ears for $59 after $20 MIR

If you are comfortable with mail-in rebates, Newegg offers the Klipsch Reference On-Ears in either the black color scheme or the white color scheme for $59 after a $20 mail-in rebate (prepaid gift card). Free shipping. Limit one rebate per customer. Rebate offer runs 6/21 to 6/27 in 2016. The rebate is explicitly for NewEgg only, not other retailers.

Pelican 1010 Micro Case (Red) for $10

UPDATE 6/27/16: the price remains but it is “temporarily out of stock”. I adjusted the link below to point to Amazon’s own listing…

If you love seeing red, and are looking for a case to carry and protect your in-ears, the Pelican 1010 Micro Case in the Red with Clear Lid color-scheme is on sale for just under $10 at Amazon by Amazon actual. It is Prime eligible if you are a member, so free shipping. Not to jinx it, but it’s not an Add-On item! Interestingly this has a limit of 90 per customer instead of the usual limit 30. Guess what everybody’s getting for the Holidays? 🙂

Strategy session: this may be a computer price-match of a marketplace sellers who has it for the same price, but the marketplace seller charges additional +$5.49 shipping. So if you are a Prime member (or planning a $49+ order), you can score it at a nice discount.

Massdrop x AKG K7XX Red Edition for $200

The AKG party continues with the Massdrop x AKG K7XX Red Edition, currently fully unlocked for $200 with free shipping at the members-only website aka online shopping club (which is free to join). This is the Red Edition, not to be confused with the standard edition. This particular incarnation of the offer ends in about nine days (from blog-posting date) and the orders have a late July 2016 shipment estimate.

AKG K553 Pro Closed-Back for $120 [MD]

Another dropping is ready to go at Massdrop’s, it’s the closed-back over-ear AKG K553 PRO going for $120 with free shipping. This offer has around six days to go (from blog-posting date). The shipment estimate for this is mid-July 2016.

Poweramp Unlocker for $0.99 (Google Play)

The unlocker for the Poweramp Android music player is on sale for just $0.99 at Google Play. If you are not familiar with the player, it comes with a fully function 15-day free trial if you want to test it out before buying. I do not know when the 99c sale ends.

IF you like to try out music players and play local music (phone/tablet storage or memory card), then at $0.99 this is a slam dunk buy!

[DEAD] Ends Wedn 3pm ET: NuForce BE6 Bluetooth In-Ear for $80

This 4-hour offer expired…

[Read more…]

Audio Technica MSR7 for $230

This is not a big discount, but if you happen to want it right now, it’s a $20 discount off the other major retailers, Groupon Goods is offering the Audio Technica MSR7 closed-back over-ears in either the Black or Gun-Metal-Gray color-schemes for $230 with free shipping and free returns and a 1-year Audio Technica warranty.

Sony MDR-1aDAC Over-Ears for $250

If you like the idea of a DAC being built-into your headphones, Groupon Goods is now offering the new condition Sony MDR-1aDAC over-ears for $250 with free shipping and free returns.

NOTE: there is no mention of warranty in the listings. So judging by the prices, to be on the safe side, one should assume these may be imported from Asia, since the ones at authorized Sony dealers go for $400. It is a question of risk and rewards here, your decision depending on comfort levels and such.

Jabra Revo Wired On-Ears for $30 w/free S&H

Back to the budget $30-ish fashionable on-ears, the new condition in bulk packaging and with a 90 day warranty (per the listing) Jabra Revo Wired On-Ears (only available in the White Color-Scheme, not Black) is on sale for $30 with free shipping at online discounter

These folding headphones average 4.4 out of 5 based on 160+ customer reviews at

Monoprice Desktop Headphone Amp (Product ID 11567) for $80 with Coupon and Filler Item

Monoprice has launched new coupons. Of DAC/Amp interest, coupon code SUM20 gets you $20 off an order of $100+. With this coupon, which expires 6/23/16 at night you can get:

+ Monoprice Stereo Hybrid Tube Amp with Bluetooth, product ID 13194, for $130

+ Monoprice Desktop Headphone Amp, Product ID 11567, plus filler item (eg 3.5mm mobile cable) to get the total slightly over $100 and use the coupon, dropping the price to $80~

Sol Republic Tracks V8 On-Ears for $20

On the fashionable closed-back on-ears front, Groupon has a special buy on the Sol Republic Tracks V8 On-Ears for $20 per pair. These are marked as new condition with a 30-day warranty from an unspecified 3rd-party (the listing says contact their customer support for warranty details). Free returns. Free shipping if your order total is $34.99 or higher. You can buy up to five units from this promotion. Over 1000 units sold so far per the listing.

Corsair VOID Wireless RGB Gaming Headset for $75 (limit 3)

On the gaming front, the Corsair VOID Wireless RGB Gaming Headset in the white color scheme, is on sale for $75 with free shipping, with a limit of three units per customer at Amazon, as one of the items participating in their PC Components and Accessories sale, good until 3am ET on Tuesday 6/21/16 or earlier if any of them sell out.

Sennheiser HD 650 and $150 Gift Card for $500

Of the Sennheiser Amazon Gift Card offers, the HD600 with a $150 for $400 leads the way, since Amazon only offers a $100 gift card for the HD 650 for $500.

But things are getting more interesting if you are trying to decide between them two at where they include a $150 Adorama Gift Card with the HD 650 for $500. Assuming you’ll have no trouble spending the gift card on things you want/need, that makes the HD 650 a $350 purchase. Still not the best offer in history but if you need to get them ASAP…

Used SRH 940 Closed-Back for $187 [was $194]

More Shure action, this time on their classic closed-back line, their silvery SRH 940 are available in “Used – Good” condition (cosmetic imperfections, repackaged) for $187 (was $194) by Amazon Warehouse Deals. There are also a couple of “Used – Like New” listings by marketplace sellers for $210. They average 3.6 out of 5 based on 91 customer reviews… Price updated in blog-post 6/20/16…

Used Beyerdynamic Custom One Pro Plus for $121

This is a promising listing if you have the patience of wait and see. Currently there are four separate “Used – Very Good” condition listings by Amazon Warehouse Deals actual on the Beyerdynamic Custom One Pro Plus headphones for $121. Condition is slightly different per listing.

Strategy: since there are four listings and this is not a mass market model, if no one buys them, there is the possibility of supply putting price pressure on demand and prices dropping further down. Their new condition price is $200 for the black color scheme which is what these are. They average 4.3 out of 5 based on 56 customer reviews. These are customizable in many different ways, but Beyerdynamic is not really advertising them, so they don’t have the average consumer brand awareness that other models have. They are closed over-ears.

Used Focal Sphear In-Ears for $110

The Focal Sphear in-ears go for $150~ in new condition, but if you want to save some, there is one unit available in “Used – Good” condition (missing some accessories and user manual and is repackaged) for $110~ with free shipping by Amazon Warehouse Deals.

Open-Box Denon AH-MM200BK Music Maniac On-Ears for $80

The closed-back fashionable-leaning Denon AH-MM200BK Music Maniac On-Ears are currently available in “Open Box” condition with all accessories and warranty from authorized dealer Electronics Expo for $80~ with free shipping through Amazon Warehouse Deals. They come with detachable cables.

Used Sennheiser Urbanite On-Ears for $45

The new condition closed on-ear Sennheiser Urbanites go for $80+ depending on color and cable-OS combination, but if you want to save, you can get the Black iOS version in “Used – Very Good” condition (cosmetic imperfections, damaged original packaging) for $45~ by Amazon Warehouse Deals actual. This link shows the lowest price per color/OS combination. To see more listings per individual option, check on its thumbnail or the “See all offers for this product” link. These average 4 out of 5 based on 130+ customer reviews.

PS: they have detachable cables, so you can replace the included iOS cable with one that works better with your Android or other non-iOS devices.

Koss Pro4S Studio Headphones for $102

Only a small number of retailers carry the Koss Pro4S studio headphones, and of those, it is on sale in NEW Condition for $102~ at Amazon by Amazon actual. Its regular price is $150 elsewhere. They average 4.5 out of 5 based on nearly 50 customer reviews. They have detachable cables and you can use either side for music input. They also pass-through audio-out through the unused of the 3.5mm ports. These are closed over-ears. Picture #5 in the gallery over there shows a blown-up diagram of the earcup mechanism.

Used Shure SRH 1440 Open-Back for $209

If you are not a perfectionist, Amazon Warehouse Deals has a Shure SRH 1440 open-back headphone in “Used – Acceptable” condition for $209~ with free shipping. “Acceptable” is a lower quality level than “Good”. It has multiple cosmetic imperfections and damaged original packaging. The new condition price at authorized dealers is $300. The headphone averages 4.7 out of 5 based on 25 customer reviews.

AKG K167 TIESTO DJ for $59 [limit 3]

In a sea of used posts, this is a New Condition item, it is the closed-back AKG K167, part of their Tiesto DJ line, going for $59 with free shipping, with a limit of three units per customer, at Amazon by Amazon actual where it averages 4.1 out of 5 based on 58 customer reviews.

Open box NAD VISO HP50 Studio for $189

The closed-back over-ear NAD VISO HP50 studio headphones are available in Open Box condition, with full warranty from authorized dealer Gramophone for $189 with free shipping in the Black and White color scheme through Amazon Warehouse Deals. They ship directly from Gramophone in Maryland, so they are not eligible for Prime shipping. The link above shows the lowest price per color. To see more listings for a particular color, click on the color thumbnails over there or the “See all offers for this product” links. The headphones average 4.4 out of 5 based on 130+ customer reviews.

Screenshot of the listing:


PS: this is the first of many used deals to be posted in the next couple of hours. I finally found time to go an uninterrupted fishing expedition in the Land of Amazon Warehouse Deals. As usual with these type of things, supplies can be low and prices can change, so YMMV on how long they will last.

TEAC UD-301 Balanced DAC/Amp for $350 [MD]

Another day, another item unlocked at members-only Mass Drop, this time it is the TEAC UD-301 Balanced DAC/Amp going for $340 plus $10~ flat shipping. Offer runs for the next seven days. Shipment is estimated to be mid July 2016.

Still Good: Refurbished Sony MDR-Z7 for $320

This offer is still going on, it dropped to $320 when we previously mentioned it in late May, and it continues with eight units left as of the time of writing.

“It” being the Sony MDR-Z7 over-ear closed-back headphones available in manufacturer refurbished condition for $320 with free shipping by Secondipity thru Amazon Warehouse Deals. This ships from Secondipity, so it is not eligible for 2-day Prime shipping. Its new condition price is $700, so paying less than half for refurbished is a pretty reasonable trade off. Screenshot of the shopping cart below:


[DEAD] AUDEZE EL-8 Open Planar Magnetics for $450

This sale ended… More Audeze action, this time it is the the open-back over-ear AUDEZE EL-8 Planar Magnetic headphones offered for $450 with free shipping at authorized dealer until 6/19/16 or earlier if sold out.

Logitech UE 900s in-ears for $279

If you’ve been trying to track down the Logitech UE 900s in-ears from a reputable USA-based dealer and in new condition, there are currently ten units available for $279 by Pitbull Audio thru Amazon. These are fulfilled by Amazon, so they are Prime eligible for members. They are factory sealed. A couple of other lesser known sellers have them at similar prices, so pay attention to the listings. The link above takes you to the Pitbull Audio listing.

TEAC AI-101DA Integrated Amp with USB DAC for $209 [MD]

Another day, another product is now fully unlocked at the Massdrop shopping club, this time it is the TEAC AI-101DA integrated amp with USB DAC going for $200 plus $9~ flat shipping. The offer ends in about eight days from today and has an early July 2016 shipping estimate.

[DEAD] Anker SoundBuds In-Ear Sport Bluetooth Earbuds for $19.50

This daily deal expired…

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[DEAD] Starts Friday 11:09am ET: APPJ PA0901A 6N4+6P14 Mini Tube Integrated Amplifier Sale

This lightning deal expired…

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iFi Nano-iDSD USB DAC for $159

The iFi Nano-iDSD battery-powered USB DAC with DSD capability as its model name hints at is on sale for a limited time for $159 with free shipping at until 6/21/16.

Monoprice 8320 Enhanced Bass In-Ears for $3 + $2 flat S&H (for up to three units)

This is a partial doorbuster since it doesn’t come with free shipping, but depending on your needs, this may be a great deal, it is the Monoprice 8320 in-ears (Enhanced Bass, silver model, best worn over the ear) for $3 per pair, with a limit of 20 units per customer. If you’ve never seen them before, the main picture there, the one on the left side, that’s the outer shell, they are not flat earbuds. What goes into your ears is how it looks on the right side.

They are kinda goofy but you can’t beat the price of $3 🙂 They average 79% with over 800 reviews over there, while at they average 3.7 out of 5 with 1600+ customer reviews.

Shipping depends on how many you buy. Because they are small and ship light, if you buy up to three units, you pay $2 flat shipping (USPS). If you buy four or five units, shipping increases to $3 flat also with USPS. More than six, and they go above the First Class Mail weight limit.