Now Shipping: Massdrop Objective 2 Headphone Amp (Desktop Edition) for $95 w/FUSS [MD]

Hide your e-wallets, although, considering the price-ranges of audiophile gear, this won’t do as much damage as some other CLEAR options that can put the FOCAL point of money drain on your ELEG(I)ANT wallet, probably purchased from Massdrop too 😉

With that obligatory throw-all-the-tomatatoes-at-me joke out of the way, we have good news if you are a fan of the Objective 2 headphone amp. The desktop edition of the Massdrop edition is now shipping (actually shipping) at the Massdrop website for $95 with free US shipping.

The shipping estimate as of the time of writing is July 10 in 2019, a miracle by Massdrop standards 🙂 This has become an “In-Stock Drop” that’s why it ships so fast ~ one business day after the close of the calendar day of your purchase. Your card will be charged two hours after ordering, so you have that regretsy window 🙂

During the checkout process you have two decisions to make. One is utilitarian, 110V or 220V adapter to be included. The other is more philosophical: standard gain or medium gain. Or you can get both and resolve the never-ending internal and external debates 😉

In addition to the free US shipping, they have two expedited shipping options, a +$5 and a +$15 which promises a 2-business day arrival. I wonder if it’s only a matter of time before Massdrop offers some kind of a Prime-like membership plan that includes faster shipping? [this is only a crackpot theory, I have no inside or outside knowledge]

PS: I’m planning to set out some time so I can update the two Massdrop “Tracking” perma-posts I used to keep updated 🙂 Stay tuned on that ~ no promises 🙂