This website is now using a new responsive WordPress theme, to make it easier to read on tablets and smartphones in addition to notebooks and desktop PCs. The options will be adjusted and optimized in the next few days. If you are reading on a smaller screen (eg tablet or smartphone) and want to see the menu and desktop-sidebar, press the Menu icon (three parallel lines) on the top corner of the page. It will expand in place, above the regular content.
I do this professionally, and like your work, so offering some straight feedback; responsive design is good, but styles chosen suddenly make this site very inefficient, large fonts and wasted space end up meaning you can read one entry where you used to be able to read three. Latest Deals list might have helped with this, but you have to scroll down to get to that to. In my opinion you’ve moved backwards from a UX perspective, but hopefully most of this can be addressed through CSS tweaks
@Foo, thanks for the very helpful feedback!
I was trying to beat the MobileGeddon 2015 deadline, so I used the standard 2015 WordPress theme. I will look for customizations and tweaks. It needs to have a Desktop option similar in functionality to the previous theme.
I am also going to start looking at various responsive WordPress Themes in the marketplace. There are so many out there! If you have any to recommend please do! It will help me filter through the thousands of options out there.