New Blog Series: Headphones to …AVOID!

I am doing this blog for you, the audio fans, not the audio manufacturers! With this brand new blog series, I will guarantee that I will never be invited to cocktail parties by the audio manufacturers 🙂 It’s a brand new series, “Headphones to Avoid”. In this series, I am spotlighting headphones that have deal killer problems that make them a pain and a bad buy for consumers. The first subject/victim of this series is the Sony RF-995 RK, an otherwise well-made RF-wireless system (base and headset; not unlike the Sennheiser RS-series) which fails at its number one priority, wireless audio, with audible clicking with the slightest of body/head movements.

We have a text-and-pictures unboxing of this headphone, click on the picture below to get to our previous unboxing post…