Monoprice Desktop Headphone Amp (Product ID 11567) for $80 with Coupon and Filler Item

The Monoprice Desktop Headphone Amp, Product ID 11567, currently goes for $98.56. It is eligible for the $20 off $100+ coupon code MORE but to use the coupon, your order total must be $100+. To get there, simply add any other combination of items, eg cables, adapters, cases, etc. In this case, I am adding this 3.5mm mobile cable making the total over $101.

Once the total is over $100, then the price drops by $20. The coupon expires Sunday night (6/5/16).

PS: the coupon works on almost everything on their website. For smaller purchases, coupon SOME gets you $5 off a $25+ order. Most items are eligible, but not everything. You can see the Exclusion List by putting the coupon in your shopping cart and then clicking on the “Details” link of the coupon while still in the shopping cart.