[DEAD] Monoprice Desktop Headphone Amp (Product ID 11567) for $80 with Coupon and Filler Item

This coupon expired, but Monoprice has occasional $20/$100+ type of coupons, so there’s hope for the future 🙂

The Monoprice Desktop Headphone Amp, Product ID 11567, currently goes for $98.56. It is eligible for the $20 off $100+ coupon code ALOT but to use the coupon, your order total must be $100+. To get there, simply add any other combination of items, eg cables, adapters, cases, etc. In this case, I am adding this 3.5mm mobile cable making the total over $101.

Once the total is over $100, then the price drops by $20. Here’s a screenshot of the shopping cart with those two items in there and the coupon code ALOT (that’s the coupon name!) entered:


The coupon expires at the end of day on 5/27/16.