Massdrop MEE Audio Bluetooth Earphone Grab Bag for $22 w/FS

If you love the randomness of grab bags, Massdrop is back once again with another MEE Audio bluetooth earphone grab bag. You pay $22 with free shipping and for that, you are guaranteed to receive one of three MEE Audio bluetooth earphones. Either the X6 or the M6GB or the N1. The odds are almost even among the three.

You can purchase up to five grab bags. Each purchase is individually randomized, so there is a possibility that if you buy five you may get five of the same. Statistically this is very unlikely, especially given the close odds between the three choices, but not impossible.

These will ship early February 2018, and all sales are final. Up to ten grand prizes may become available depending on how many units are purchased (AKG over-ears and one Fostex). The chances of getting a prize instead are very low, don’t decide on the purchase based on the prizes.