Koss KSC-21 SportClip Clip-Ons for $9.30 (limit 5)

While we are on the topic of Koss clip-ons, the Koss KSC-21 SportClip Clip-On Headphones are on sale for $9.30 at Amazon by Amazon actual with a limit of five per customer. The usual free shipping options apply (free 2-day for Prime members or with a $35+ for non-members). Fiyr of these get you free shipping, $9.30 times 4 = $37.20. They average 3.9 out of 5 based on 62 customer reviews.

NOTE #1: these two models mentioned today should not be confused with the more famous KSC-75 Clip-ons which go for $12.50~ and have nearly 2000 customer reviews (with a 3.9 out of 5 as well).

NOTE #2: these clip-ons, just like the good old Portapros are open-back, not closed-back. Which probably get them some of the negative reviews from people wanting to use them during exercise or in crowds and discovering leakage in and out.