Five new offers got unlocked at Massdrop

Members-only Massdrop has five new offers that are currently unlocked, with somewhere between 6-7 days left in the promotion (from blog-posting date). The usual situation applies, shipping dates vary by individual product, and things of that nature. The five are (I am adding the shipping fee to the price mentioned below):

  • GermanMaestero GMP 400 for $173, GMP 450 Over-Ears (MiG) for $10 more
  • OSTRY KC06A In-Ears for $48
  • MElectronics Audio X7 Plus Bluetooth IEMs for $64~
  • Little Dot MKIII Tube Headphone Amp for $230
  • XDuoo X10 Digital Audio Player (now with scrolling wheel technology; takes two cards) for $158

PS: MiG = Made in Germany.