Etymotic ER3SE or ER3XR for $150 each, ER4S for $190

With 23 hours to go from blog-posting time, Massdrop is offering the Etymotic ER3XR or ER3SE flange-y in-ears for $145 each with free US shipping. Over 450 units have been sold from this listing per the page over there. There’s no mention of warranty in the listing. They will ship in early July 2019 from Massdrop, which is now just …Drop. They dropped the mass 🙂 I still prefer Massdrop 🙂

BUT if you don’t want to wait for that long and want the warranty too, the ER3XR goes for $146 and 1/2, and the ER3SE for $149 at, and these prices are by Amazon actual, not marketplace sellers.

Speaking of this line of deep-insertion in-ears, the ER4S is currently on sale for $190 by Amazon actual