Good until Friday 3/13/20 at 11:59pm pacific time, Neil Young and Phil Baker’s “To Feel the Music” Kindle ebook is one of their deals du jour going for $3. This is a 270 page ebook published in September 2019. It talks about high-quality audio in the digital age with the Pono story as a backbone.
I just purchased the book after going through the Kindle sample (it includes the various intros/prologues and the first couple of chapters) and will be reading it. I will be taking notes and if I have enough notes and things that merit discussion, I will be writing about it on the content-side of this website. In the Kindle Sample, Phil Baker did a good explaining in simple terms to the “common people” digital audio. Although I may take some technical issue with the pixel analogy but again the point is to make this accessible to the average Joe who’s listening to 28Kbps YouTube video music through a $10 half-working earbud 🙂
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